Thursday, 23 November 2017

'Below The Line / Beneath Contempt': Act 2

'Below The Line / Beneath Contempt' 

Act 2

Scene 1:

They say in the moments before a calamitous event such as a major car crash time slows down so that the full horror of the inevitable disaster can be seen.

This feels like that.

Why are we continuing with this when there is nothing but a Tsunami of bad news. Nothing good is coming up at all. Nothing. Zilch. Zip. Nada. Everything is grim.

Heading right up shit creek we certainly are!

I've gone past feeling that we could have our happy free lives and fix the world , to a feeling of totally apathy and despair . I and many I know just try to live day to day and keep ones head down so you can no longer see the despair of others around you. I think we as a country feel we are loosing all hope

Is your keyboard fucked?

Sounds like there is debris under the keys. Try turning it upside down and tapping it sharply on a table. If an avalanche of biscuit crumbs fall out you have probably fixed it.

Thanks. Combination of this keyboard and a mashed attempt to hit Cancel. Corrected in alternative post! :)

What we are actually going through is a new industrial revolution and inescapable globalisation, the future must be different to the past. Voting for a return to Warmington-on-sea is just tragic. What we need is a recast democratic socialism comfortable with a knowledge economy, the internet and managing mass migration pressures. We will need migrants to cope with transition.

How wonderfully Marxist.

This idea is utter rubbish.

what is needed is training and experience in strategic planning: outcome evaluation and long term financial budgeting: risk assessments, certainly and PPE essential.
Cyber physical systems. I am I robot. Beep beep boop.

And who will programme these computers? How idiotic.

Lots of busy CCHQ keyboard monkeys.

Are you suggesting we should be concerned about the threat from civil servants?

Scene 2:

The UK is corrupt and presides over the world's largest network of tax havens.
The truth is that the gains were allocated upwards to those who did the outsourcing or handled the inflows of dirty money.
Money and class. Rigged economics tied to class that both left and right refuse to acknowledge.

The establishment, political class and media have very carefully avoided mentioning class for decades, and hid behind identity politics. People who are usually white and privileged seem to have a wilful blindness when it comes to class, but if you benefit from those divisions you would not wish to mention it either.

Things are never an issue if they don't affect you. I think you might find that for an awful lot of people the class divide affects their lives far more than any of the current preoccupations of the left.

Darn it fellow lefties! Foiled again by those suave right wingers....

Of course class is boring....because the laughs are directed at you!

Class doesn't raise a laugh anymore because it's no longer a joke - the lunatics have 
taken over the asylum.

Same thing, despite the pantomime to convince one otherwise.

Ask most people their biggest concerns and it won't be class, it'll be money.

Most of them are bellends, or do a very good job of appearing to be.

Wealth is at the heart of class and there is class warfare at an unprecedented scale these days and it is not in the least bit funny.

Haha, nonsense. You should really do something about that chip on your shoulder. Perhaps if some people put as much effort into their own education and work as they do into inventing excuses for their own failings, we'd all be better off.

Ideas can lead to conflagration very quickly and often while the rump of the population are poo-pooing the threat of the idea.

Class war! Raaargh!

Big Yawn!
The old memes are the best memes!

The British don't do rebellion. They are generally more concerned with grumbling and a bit of twitter / Facebook hate speech from the cosiness of their armchairs.

Scene 3:

'Great' Britain, what has happened to you? The old school tie policy has finally caught up with us and is strangling the very country that gave birth to it. Trouble is, once upon a time a real statesman with a brain that could absorb the education would step in and sort out the rest - not any longer, no light at the end of this tunnel it would seem.

The UK was never ready for liberal centrist thinking and hasn’t yet made a clean break from feudalism.
3) A privately educated elite
2) A ruling class that speak differently
1) A feudal aristocracy that still sit on their vast estates
Look at the UK ......

Right wing and centre right government has created all the problems you have 
Welcome to capitalism. Don't say you weren't warned. But you silent idiot majority kept voting in the same fuckwits decade after decade. And guess what, you did it again. Oh how the politicians laugh at you all.

Public life is full of morons who haven't done a days real work in their lives & know nothing of the real world - they just think they do.

If you don't get this you are missing the fundamental condition of our nation.
They are very different from people who must work to pay their bills, and fools are they who follow them. They do not have 'safe hands'!

We are in an alarming period of having no genuine opposition to this bumbling, terrifyingly obtuse, entitled and ill educated pseudo-regime.

We are governed by the most dismal bunch of philistine idiots.

Too many cowards and money grubbing weasels elected to Parliament for far too long, and its time we had some political giants with raw courage to lead us once more instead of these comedic pygmies. Surely to god we have some in Parliament somewhere worthy of their position and able to meet their responsibilities without first weighing up the financial profits/bribes and personal political gain.

the people of this country have been treated with utter contempt by their government and their representatives. and for some reason, they think they are karma-free.

truthfulness and humility is called for from the top, but i fear they don't do either.

Our political servants have become our masters and it is time to remind them that they represent us and act as we wish. Just who are these arrogant, ignorant and selfish people?

Exactly. Lead the damned country! Forget party politics just for a ducking second and look after your citizens!

It's a joke mate. Not serious, a bit like this clusterfuck of a government we have the misfortune to live under.

Is this our actual government or just playground bullying by a bunch of total incompetents?
The only thing we can do is beat them.

Yes, it does boil down to lack of intelligence. The government appears to be grossly 
Their verdict: shut the f*ck up, leave the decisions to the elite, and get back to cleaning our floors and fixing our plumbing you disgusting chavs.

it means a shower of jizz-wands who can't even remember what they said six months ago, arguing in favour of something they can't even define.

They looked like town hall clerk types. I doubt they'd have managed something that complicated

At fist this made me laugh and roll my eyes and the mindless uselessness of our politicians

Hilariously, one discredited establishment has-been after another is being wheeled out and then hastily wheeled back in, as these deluded egomanics realise that the public has no time for them anymore.

The rug has been pulled from under their feet, and they look like the branch office again.

Personally, I don't care for most of these gestures, but in the spirit of being constructive, I
would like to see public officials sign a statement that they are aware of Whistleblower
Provisions so that they can speak out appropriately when they witness malfeasance.

Why is it so difficult to understand that the people we have chosen to run our country no
longer have a financial stake in its stability? That their money lives in the offshore world and
they use Britain as a convenient base of operations and its population as livestock?

But people still support and vote for the people who don't care about them and openly show they don't care.

In return the government give them small tidbits and wind them up about 
immigrants and dear old Blighty just enough to keep them subservient.
It's astonishing.

But also we must realise that they do not give a shit about what is really happening in this country because it will never affect them....

It all falls to shit when you start questioning people's loyalty, especially when members of our own government demonstrably do not uphold British values.

Okay, there are times when it seems like most politicians are too stupid to read, but I'm pretty sure no-one actually thinks that's true!

This government could (possibly) organise a piss-up in a brewery, but only if it was in their own personal best interests and, as they're making enough money already, and lining themselves up for directorships with multi-nationals, they simply can't be bothered.
They'd probably sell the brewery to the lowest bidder, then the new owners would close it and move production overseas, and then they'd moan about how the piss-up had to be cancelled due to unforeseen events outside their control.

The remedy for our problems no longer lie with politicians, the sooner we all realise this the sooner we will collectively start to create our own solutions to the very many challenges which face us all.

But let's not pretend everything is rosey or indeed ready for reform. There's a very large army on this gravy train.

Let's see what tomorrow brings...

Scene 4:

Do you love your government? And your Queen? Do you trust them. Will they look after you :-)

Billionaires with their hands out for off

We no longer have an Empire, why are we maintaining an Imperial scale royal family?

Who on earth wants to pay for the privilege of being condescended to by these fat parasites any longer? FGS - lets get shut.

The royal family represents stupidity only surpassed by religion.

But we should kick those entitled weirdos out of there!

Cap doffers, honours system sycophants, the English really are as thick as shit to accept this.

Good value for money if you ask me.

You pay then.

Please pledge what you can to 'Parasites in Need'.

th queen reportedly makes cracking scones !

Bread and circuses while the plutocrats rule

You are wrong we clearly do not want it, it is an anachronism

Plutocracy trumps democracy yet again

We are witnessing new levels of take-the-pissery.

Scene 5:

If the people want change they need to either:
A/ Turn out and vote during a general election. Quit being lazy and complicit in their own oppression, stop listening to media owned by wealthy press barons and choose a government which will stand up for their interests.
B/ Revolt and put in place a more suitable form of government with a written constitution and no privileged class based on accidents of birth.

Well said ..... we desperately need practical realism in this dark time ..... not clinging to theories and ideologies.

You should look into the Common Law idea of 'the reasonable man on the Clapham Omnibus', which I think is quite a charming British invention to restrain over-mighty bureaucrats.

Mature democracy the UK? There is a significant difference between cheese that's been left in the fridge to fester for ages and has got all furry and mouldy, and a mature cheese. I'm afraid the UK democracy resembles the former, not the latter

Well that image has just spoilt my lunch, thanks for that.

It's madness. Like living in a shitty dystopian crypto facist nightmare of the 80s!

So why all the bleating?

This what you get after years and years of right wing poison being allowed to be spewed out daily and totally unchecked , you get a large area of society completely contimnated by this poison and unable to understand what has happened to them or to cleanse themselves of this toxic effulent..

I'm rather hoping it'll lead to the end of the bought and paid for farce we call representative democracy and the introduction of direct democracy.

Anyway I think it is clear from all of this that just ignoring a growing proportion of people who feel disenfranchised and vilified is not a good way forward.

No decent person can be proud to be called British any longer.

I really don't know how we progress from here, as a country. What do you do when you realise that fully half the people around you are stupid, or awful, or both? It's not like you can just talk them out of their stupidity, or their awfulness.
Any ideas?

sadly we long gave up a mass media and politics where facts not fiction and myth are airbrushed out of the populist rhetoric. This has long been coming, what with the advent of a consumerist and celebrity directional society that was ironically inherent in the modernisation of liberalism itself.

I know, you were very silly weren't you!

I'm not entirely she he/she/it is capable of anything other than basic instinct.

I find the writing is passionate, skilful, humorous, knowledgeable and above all enlightening.

That is a bit of an invidious statement given the current climate. sadly.

I thought that comment was obvious-if-ham-fisted satire. He didn't mean it, did 

I kind of want to like people and wish i could truly empathise with them. Many of them seem genuine and desperate - you want to give them a hug. But to be honest I would find his task soul destroying.

Probably because these people have no idea what they are actually talking about.
They are living in an alternate reality. I wonder why

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