Tuesday 24 November 2020

Music Re-View 9


All Images: November 2020

This is a frustrating and shallow analysis / so, keep that in mind while reading this review (which I promise is coming).

Well this has suddenly cheered my year / it's like i just swallowed a barrel of mdma / I'll be properly soaking this one in / just gotta wait on my force gauge so I can install this new cartridge then ill finally get to jam / I had already scheduled a week off immediately following release date / I’m a simulated trans dimensional emissary from an ancient hyper intelligent race that existed many aeons ago / I grew up during a time when glitch was entering mainstream music sound, and it simply brings me nostalgia and joy / this the duo at their most approachable for a long time / the heads get it and nod in appreciation while new fans will enjoy / a peaceful landing platform for the wild ship we’ve been riding for some time / for all the fuckery of 2020, there is always meaning hiding around the corners of chaos / oh, and geez, has this year been schmefd am I right? / the effect is like hurrying down an airlocked gangway in the wrong-sized shoes.

The album begins intimidatingly, with a synthetic growl that might be the heptapods in Arrival discovering the ills of gluten / diverse and enthralling, it grows and enraptures over repeat listens, Always on headphones, always at night / something of a mental bear trap, it’s easy to get stuck in its vice-like grasp / the artwork could be better, tt’s not terrible or anything, just meh / it certainly tones down the relentless but admittedly compelling inhumanity of much of their music / what is daunting about their work is less the mystery in how it’s made and more the spectre of supreme disregard that lurks in the margins of / algorithmic machine learning / everything feels distinctly open to possibility, powered by a non-human lifeblood pulsating through the veins of each track / there are rumbles, and soft buzzes like someone tuning a radio, and distant hums and zaps / they have found new ways to make their favourite materials sing / sheet metal, soapstone, and pumice / some humming and whistling / the taste of copper / and even some clapping / every component is perpetually shape-shifting; good luck enumerating all the discrete elements in play / a cloud of powdered pigment ricochets off a cymbal in a soundproof room / a piece breaks off slowly and moves away in a contorted fashion into the air-conditioning / I like the track that sounds like it was made by a fish.

Sometime in 1999, an AIM user with the handle “chemical_redux” sent me a massive block of text around 2am / the composition is an affirmation of the melodic skill cleverly illustrated in their earlier releases, but bent, contorted, lensed and refracted through / non-human / ocular implants / I’ve attempted to digest it all. All with gratitude and nothing but a grin on my face / she was a criminal forensics student / we never met,  it didn’t matter / the only way we can communicate from one aeon to the next is through gravity waves / I probably should have expected that / with a culture as ass obsessed as Latin America there was never a slight possibility the Catholicism would win over horniness / it’s there, but on the periphery of the structure, bending the edges and augmenting the biological input values.

The duo's influence on the greater music scene at large cannot be overstated / to put it simply, they create a lot of work, and are unabashed with their serving sizes / they are indifferent to us by design / sometimes, naturally, this kind of thing can get exhausting / but the hallmarks of their style have never been as prominent as now / either way, it is a new era of their creative efforts / the subtle tweaks to their approach, in addition to the fact that their sound mazes never quite sound the same, lead to / an actual fully automated pseudo-mechanical large appliance techno-orgy like what used to be made / the survivors can only stare in bewilderment until their senses takeover and they take fight or flight / contrary to some beliefs, it’s more than just a matter of punching-in some numbers and letting the machines do all the work / more like how in TV show there a reference is a character’s performance in another film / which way does the sign point? And are we being misdirected? / we know that they can’t be trusted / they have put out some of the most influential / nOisy nON-SeNSe ElecTRoNIk muZiK / designed as a fuck you to the government / in the end, it is enormously pleasurable and a must-listen for / an autonomous being / that’s really all I need from these dudes omg.

If I’m going to start distributing CDs at some point I’m going to start putting a Madagascar bonus track on them that / far surpasses the limits of your preceprehension / there can be no nobler goal.

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