Tuesday, 28 November 2017

'Below The Line / Beneath Contempt': Act 3

'Below The Line / Beneath Contempt'

 Act 3

Scene 1:

Stand up if you are an enemy of the people. Stand up.

Anyone who acts against the national interest is a disgrace at best and a traitor otherwise. Now we can have a civilised debate about what is in the national interest.

You're embarrassing yourself.

Enemies of the People.  To room 101 with them.

I see the fine art of knee-jerk is still alive and well with you.

Such a threat! The entire nation is quaking & absolutely terrified of you. Lol.
I like a battle.

We should have to stand to attention every morning and hail the new regime... a camera in every room will monitor compliance.

I've sworn to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but a few times in the past... lied my arse off after that..meant nothing.

Perhaps you should accept the rule of law with grace?

To think that UK once fought for the rule of law. It unbelievable how things have changed.

Nice riposte

I don't share your political views at all, but have a great respect for your position.

Some of these comments really are complete b0!!0cks

The road through life is a thorny one, studded by pricks.

Revealing how shit it is would certainly not bode well.

Scene 2:

People are looking for simple answers to difficult problems and the democratic system we have is not helping. Perhaps, unless you are educated to a degree and possess all your faculties of mind you simply should not be allowed to vote. This might solve a few issues and also raise some others, but what we have is not working.

Yep, that's how it works in a democracy.

If you believe we actually do live in a democracy ;-)

If democracy has been reduced to competing dogmas, it isn't democracy.

Is that called Analysis?

There is truth in what you say. But undermining the democratic system will make
things far worse than they've been so far.

Someone should have the guts to call the spade a spade - what has happened is that the system of democracy has failed. One man, one vote system that worked sort of well for the past 70 years or so has utterly failed and is failing right across the world.

In a world of big data, social media and ubiquitous technologies, scratching a 'cross' on a piece of paper once every four or five years is not democracy.
We don't have 'democracy' in any real sense so the weird political outcomes should not come as any form of surprise.

A blatant biased misinterpretation

If the democratic result is overturned then the people will be painted into a corner. It will be little surprise then if mob rule and violence occurs. What other choice is there when democracy fails?

Why don't you have a go at framing the question and let us know what you come up with - I'm interested to know.

You are not overly adept at identifying irony.

If you don't give voters a lawful and peaceable way to change policy, they might opt for a less peaceful and lawful way.

I can not emphasise this strongly enough - in this country we rely on the courts to decide the law - not the mob.

Instead of history books read a decent politics textbook which will tell you how our representative democracy operates.

icdemocratic" Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah

Can't bear the bloody rubbish any more.
So bloody sad

How incredibly sad what has happened to the uk and I don't want to be a part of it any more.

What the fuck has happened to this country?

All efforts seem to be diverted and indeed all problems wil be made worse as we become a poorer country.

Where did you cut and paste that from?

I am ashamed that our political system has become so easily undermined and ridiculed. I am dismayed that people who are fighting to save it are suffering abuse and bullying.

......and all there is left are silly 'n offensive insults.

Bloody cockwombler, you snivelling eyed pea brained commuter !
That kind of abuse ?

I have to say that our democratically elected bodies have worked hard to build distrust, but it hasn't arisen overnight. It's taken decades, alongside a lot of other changes in the world..
Politicians have criticised and then demonised their opponents, which the media have been only too keen to magnify, and now social media have added to the churn.
And yet, despite increasingly shrill comments in the media, people in the street are still getting on with their lives. Who is interested in hearing how normal everything still is?

What are you babbling about?

I can't make much sense of this. I don't know whether it's your poor English or your defective thought processes, but what you've posted is intellectually incoherent.

Actually it means your syntax is wacky. I think I may agree with you, but I'm not sure.

Who cares what you think?

Who gives a xxxx what you think either.

It's going to take some time for this to sink in and the cognitive dissonance to wear off.

off you go pet, don't let the door hit you... etc.

oh do shut up

Are you drunk?

Yeah but your banjo's still out of tune.

Sorry mate, you'll have to rephrase that. No one has any idea what you're banging on 

Yer whistling in the dark lad

Fk sake....you must be a busker


Meanwhile people are sleeping and dying on the streets.

Scene 3:

British values are totally distorted.


If you stopped ranting for a minute some intelligent thoughts might find their way in. But first you will need to stop thinking IN CAPITAL LETTERS

Hahahahaha. Ouch.

LOL......POT.....BLACK.....Mr KETTLE


Need to cut back on the capitalisation mate. Makes you sound a bit dickish.

Settle down. I can feel your blood pressure rising to unsafe levels from over here.

what Wendy answered I am startled that any body able to earn $7264 in a few weeks on the computer .

Wow that sounds brilliant!
Tell you what, post your home phone number & then we can have a chat about it. :-)

Scene 4:

This is a joke, right?

Yes. You might understand things a bit better if you proceeded to try to work out WHY.

Well done, you are obviously keeping up. Not a criticism, but an observation; check the difference if you can find a dictionary

Difference is that now information is available at anyone's fingertip...it's just a matter of choosing 
to inform yourself, or let yourself manipulated.

Which devious characters are in the background, and what are they trying to gain....?

Even Sherlock could not deduce anything from this!

What is so hard for you to understand? It is not one bit complicated. In fact, it is so simple. I do not believe I can help you at all.

I'll do anything to protect you from your own utterly abject stupidity.

All this is sheer nonsense based on false premises
that have been addressed over and over again across multiple threads.

What a fuck up.

Haven't seen one of those for many years.

Scene 5:

"Mine is the politics of openness, and everyone who disagrees with me is evil."

Rather sensitive, no?

A berserker on the horns of a dilemma, eh?

I would imagine this person is lovely company (when they are not playing on their mobile phone in their seedy bedsit).

Do they know something is amiss? Yes, they do... Do they like feeling like this, no they don't and like bullies they will likely lash out at those they perceive to be different and/or weak.

We can see a pattern emerging - they will blame anyone but themselves and that is because whatever happens they know deep down that they will never win. And that is why they are angry.

They don't see irony , or humour , or other view points

“Tolerating the views of others, even if you disagree with them”? Hell no, I don't want to swear an oath to that.

People really are getting their knickers n a twist for no reason

Whoever gave you the "Sanctimony Bible" for Xmas has done humanity a great disservice.

However, there is no excuse for the stupidity of treating ones own half arsed guesses about the future as "fact" while the guesses of others are malign manipulations.

It's the language of little boys trying to sound tough, not grownups.

absolutely, he should have said penis.

no fun otherwise.

And you relish this? pathetic. Grow up.

The adults are in the room now.

You mean the British should start behaving like grown up, empowered citizens instead of always wanting Mummy to sort it out?
Dream on.

That anyone would even think this was a possibility is laughable.

Go away, let the adults handle this.

The beautiful face of SANITY is re,emerging and this is just the start

Care to go into detail on that statement.

Woah, the hokey cokey,
Woah, the hokey cokey,...

Not sure I can make any sense of your response there dear fellow.

Care to elaborate? Or are we just leaving it there?

You mean ... In Out, In Out, Shake it all about ?

In out, shake it all about.

Vapid. Insubstantial. Unspecific. Shallow. Lacking quality or purpose.

Scene 6:

A brighter, more free, more prosperous future awaits.

What fantastic news !

No problems whatsoever. To the sunlit uplands we go!

It is getting better and better.

Happy days are here again!

This way to the Sunny Uplands.

Onward to the new Utopia!

in la-la land, maybe, but not in the UK

....... Paradise awaits.

Paradise Lost ......

Behold, the sunlit uplands! Oh hang on, its just started p*ssing down.

Magical thinking.

Would you like to show your working? I could do with a laugh.

All the indicators are that things will go badly. Against that we have you, and those like you,
that have faith that all will turn out for the best.


Show your working.

Wow. You should write a book on economics or something.

You sound like an expert.

You should write a book, or do some stand-up comedy...

Utter codswallop from another armchair expert.

Carry on with your exceptionalist fantasy. The rest of the world is laughing at you.

How can this abject nonsense be trotted out time and time again. Those harboring such fantasies are in for a very, very rude awakening.

Say it enough times and people start to believe it.
Load of Blah....

and your VIABLE alternative is............................

This is hilarious, but for the wrong reasons.

Hilarious !

Belt-bustingly and pant-tearingly hilarious.

Hah, thanks for the chuckle :)

Everyone to their own, but I prefer custard on my rhubarb.

Scene 7:

What are needed are leaders with character that can tell people things they don't like to hear and make them think. We have enough of those who can exploit pointing at the problems people face but offer no solutions because they entice self reflection hard work and difficult choices.

have sort of thought that myself, but actually came to the conclusion that no politician could ever plan anything on that scale and they are all just winging it.

has the penny dropped yet that some people have been taken for F***wits

" Ladies and gentlemen...it's all about to happen! Put your hands together for................ the Spinning Fuckwits!!"

recognizing the situation would be a start.

And if you can't see it, then there really is no hope for you.

Are people still banging on about this...?!

They are making this shit up as the go along. So nothing new there then.

Paradoxes and contradictions among glimpses of clear hope not clearly defined.

Sorry, the whole think is becoming a big laugh (somehow a bitter one).

Those fuckers are doing my head in. I wish we could dump 'em somewhere inhospitable.

Freedom of speech means you can respond, either with evidence or by pointing and laughing. Which is better than someone deciding which thoughts can be expressed and which cannot (unless I get to make that decision, of course).

How can freedom of speech exist at the same time as freedom from abuse?

You see there is your problem right there.

End this nonsense. We can just pretend it never happened and go back to normal.

"But human beings are emotional creatures. We want emotionally compelling stories."

Scene 8:

Where is the common-sense, common good, and common interests in all this unnecessary skullduggery?

Tis time for all good people of left, middle, and I dare say one or two rightish ones to pull together quickly, put aside political tribalism with some kind of er...popular front rather than allow the populist one emerging to take us completely back to a foul future unrolling before us.

Calm voice of sense, reason and reality in the storm. Thanks.

Fantasy crap.

Yes, I know........I am wasting my breath.

What are you, some sort of communist?

remember comunism doesnt work

Wise words.s
What's "comunism"?

A triumph of hope over expereince?

I'm not in the slightest bit interested. This is opinion, not social media love in.

The three most easiest things to sell in history are, booze, sex and religion! Capitalism, communism, fascism and so on are a form of religion.

Not again! this must be the thirtieth time you repeat the same mantra. Crikey... Next.

Damn, if it keeps on like this you might have to stop reading it!

I have lost the will to comment. I have no words left.
