Monday 31 October 2022

Music Re-View 15


All Photo-Manipulations: October 2022

I get excited every time we enter a new phase - we've been through 4 or 5 so far I think, none of which I could foresee in advance. Any sense of foresight I thought I had has gone out of the window. It's hard enough just keeping up. He's been a solo artist par excellence for over a decade remember - his albums are rare, but he's always managed to retain a unique - often unsettlingly minimal signature, and distil his wealth of ideas into a coherent, timeless narrative. Now he is  forced to work harder to hold the listener's attention, like a Ritalin-pumped arcade machine. We've always known that the division between politics and aesthetics was a false one, but the corporate elements here suggest that economics itself is a superseding aesthetic structure, one that develops forms virtually on its own out of raw humanity. It rapidly becomes clear this is more military: gun fingers high, it's a nightclub-death-march, whose political intent is like a shaky transmission of a now centuries old Diana Ross cut.

In the same vein as much of his previous work, there are no standout songs that would ever be at home without the context of an album. Occasional tracks suffer from absenteeism, but there are true moments of virtuosity. The weird friction here is just how personal it remains, how easy it is to toggle from the micro to the macro, from subjective empathetic mourning to a hyperrationalist inhuman perspective. The album throws horror soundtrack, sample library and j-pop records into a no man's land between grime, early dubstep and Chicago footwork. It's built on an historical electro continuum that binds the more strung-out aspects of bleep-rave, grime, trap-rap and footwork, with elegant little jazz and soul licks flickering like half-memories. It's a typically bumpy ride overstuffed with ideas and full of mind-bending rhythmic nuggets - a bumping bass line and a weird, almost annoying melodic figure that sounds like a helium balloon deflating. Intermittent shrieks and caws echo as if bouncing off wet concrete, the sounds of animals left in an abandoned zoo when every other person on the planet has been obliterated by an apocalyptic cataclysm. A muted shriek, somewhere between evening crickets and a wailing siren, sustains the barest of the atonal melody's tension.

This is not a light record. Birthed and incubated in London's most soot-smeared corners, it's a growling, menacing record, the sort of psycho-spiritual purge no subsequent contextual framework can subsume. It's sci-fi speculation but also gritty realism: dance music that does more, tugging on brains not just Friday night heart strings. This concept led the ex-philosophy lecturer to investigate the uneasy juxtaposition that terminal patients in hospital beds find themselves in, teetering on the edge of life in both a historical and mathematical context. In short, it's equal part body-horror, mind-fuck and drug trip. It's also the sound of an all-consuming global aesthetic and political structure that transforms the specificities of individual narratives into fleeting trajectories within a larger assemblage. Negation and omission here become the productive acts, the affective charge of the album found in the impression left from an element's absence. The concept of loss remains unarticulated, diffuse rather than pointed, environmental rather than declarative. I cannot listen to it as a classic record, picking my favourite tracks and skipping the fillers. It is much more like the hyperpolished non-binary transhumanism of certain strains of contemporary futurist sonology from the realms of hyperpop and beyond. The idea of drones replacing samurai brings up the question of what happens to us, or what will we do, when our presence is no longer required on this earth - these visions of disappearing humanity are all too human.

The closing credits roll in. You have managed to escape and survive. Ultimately though, the listening experience does not transport me into a hyperstitional future. Human emotion cracks through the album's fibreglass facade. The story is a mix of current events, history and speculation. I feel more catapulted into an alternative past, which was polluted with fragments and ideas from the future we are inhabiting at the moment. Most people's reality is far from a piano break, and the futurism, the dystopia is just extrapolation from that fact. As two mirrors are moved closer together inside a vacuum (which, contrary to popular belief, is assumed to be filled with electromagnetic waves), they create a true vacuum between them. It's probably not the optimum sonic hygiene for a critical listening experience, but it feels oddly appropriate. Sometimes it feels like one of the best records I've heard in recent memory, other times I wish it would just get to the point faster. But I think that's by design.

Musicians tend to be generous in death, in that they leave parts of themselves behind that continue to exist in a kind of domain of musical digital immortality. Anyone who buys this will receive the digital files immediately.

Friday 28 October 2022

'This S(c)eptic Isle': Notional Pride 18


All Images: West Leicester, June 2022

[Composite Video Transcript:]

"This whole affair is inexcusable... take a look at the rise and rapid fall of Zit Slurs who will be the shortest Prime Minister in British history... that's pretty mouldy isn't it?... it is just... it's almost the nicest thing you could say about her... I don't think I mean what she did... the shortest serving Prime Minister of a thing... that will be the shortest serving Prime Minister in UK history and she was dog shit... shit... this is an absolute disgrace... it would have been a huge disappointment if it hadn't been such a terrible idea in the first place... Zit Slurs being Prime Minister was like a 20-year old supply teacher in a rough comprehensive shitting themselves in the middle of a GCSE Geography lesson and then attempting to continue with the class... I'm livid... and you know this... did you see how she's unable to do the job?... she just said so... a bland talentless ferret with a lopsided grin and glassy eyed look of a person in Paris... asking for... directions to Nottingham... on the pavement... justification... 'get this done... and that job... which is much the same...' political instincts... the state of modern conservatism... a Prime Minister who was utterly delusional... breathtakingly arrogant... thick as mince and completely lacking the cognitive power to say something... anything... anything at all of any value whatsoever... ever... 'I'm saying I'm on my way to get the job done... the web designing and things like that...' and the party membership thought she was a good choice to run the country... the only real treatment was limbo... 'I dance to that...' going under the very low bar that Bjorn Soonish set for her just weeks ago... 'I've not been able to get the job done... this is what went wrong... and I've been trying... this is us...' you can panic and resign... gone... 'I am gone...' she was the inevitable bottom of the Brexit barrel... the political equivalent of a skid mark... a ghost poop that felt uncomfortable... but it's gone dog shit from start to finish... but I hope all those people that put Zit Slurs in Number 10... how many is it?... I hope it was worth it... if it was worth it for the ministerial red box... I hope it was worth it to sit around the cabinet table... because the damage they have done is extraordinary... how do the sensitised answer this chaos?... 'how are you Sweetheart?...' she can't deliver her manifesto she says... amazing... government not moving at all... how accustomed we British are to the self-serving lack of talent... our politics... our politics has been out of control because no one admits the truth... 'Uplands!... Uplands!...' 'I'm looking to get away from any details... to crash the economy...' no control except that of the asylum... as soon as they realise the reality... tell us... when was the last time the country was running well politically?... an actual country with human beings... with actual real humans... politically aligned with me... with confidence... with a model... and an ounce of intel... just look about seriously... I've had enough... I've had enough of people putting their dick in the right box... not because it's in the national interest... because it's in their own personal interests to achieve ministerial position... 'because over the summer we had an accident...' lies and excuses from the forest... and then... and then fucked off... and now... this time... this time next week I could too... again more turbulence... more like them... more infighting... dog shit leadership... so whistle... but don't worry... because there is nothing as ex as an ex-MP... and I know I speak for hundreds... yet to declare... right now... I could be sick..."

Tuesday 25 October 2022

Completed Painting: 'Das Schloss 1 [vouch.speared.hooked.]


'Das Schloss 1 (vouch.speared.hooked)', Acrylics, Paper Collage & Paint Pen on Panel,
600 mm x 600 mm, 2022

Here's the completed version of one of the in-progress pieces teased here back in July. It's fair to say that progress was a little stilted over the summer period for various reasons, but work continues at whatever pace it can. Having several pieces simultaneously in play, and allowing numerous layered narratives to accumulate organically through possibly extended periods of reflection, actually feel like not altogether regrettable parts of the process right now.

I think I am moderately pleased with the way this one seems to tug at several possible threads of an increasingly tangled rhizome, whilst establishing a degree of stratified formal 'coherence' at the same time. Any attempt to provide a simplistic explanation feels harder than ever at this point, but maybe that's no bad thing either.

Perhaps the following quotations can supply some tentative clues instead...

"K. began to take notice. So the castle had appointed him land surveyor. On the one hand this was to his disadvantage, since it showed they knew all they needed to know about him up at the castle, had weighed up the balance of forces, and were entering the fray with a smile. But on the other hand it was also to his advantage, because it showed, he felt, that they underestimated him and that he was going to have more freedom than he might have hoped for at the outset. And if they thought that with his intellectually no doubt superior recognition of his land surveyorship they could keep him in a perfect state of fright, then they were wrong, it sent a little shiver down his spine, that was all." [1.]

"If I had not been so determined to set seriously to work, I might have made an effort to start at once. But given that my resolve was unbreakable, given that within twenty-four hours, inside the empty frame of tomorrow where everything fitted so perfectly because it was not today, my best intentions would easily take material shape, it was really preferable not to think of beginning things on an evening when I was not quite ready - and of course the following days were to be no better suited to beginning things.

Unfortunately, tomorrow turned out not to be that broad, bright, outward-looking day that I had feverishly looked forward to. When it ended, my idleness and hard struggle against my inner obstacles had just lasted for another twenty-four hours. After a few days, when my projects had still not come to anything, when some of my hope that they would come to something had faded, and with some of it some of the courage I required in order to subordinate everything to my coming achievement, I went back to staying up late, as I now lacked my incentive (the certain knowledge that the great work would be begun by the following morning) to go to bed early on any given evening." [2.]

"There are natures purely contemplative, completely unsuited for action, who nevertheless, under mysterious unknown impulses, act sometimes with a rapidity of which they would suppose themselves incapable.

"Those for instance who, afraid their concierge may have bad news for them, pace an hour timorously before daring to go in; those who hold letters for two weeks before opening them, or wait six months to take some step that has been immediately necessary for a year already - but sometimes abruptly feel precipitated into action by an irresistible force, like an arrow leaving the bow. Moralists and doctors, who claim to know everything, fail to explain from whence so sudden a mad energy comes to these lazy, voluptuous souls and why, incapable of the simplest and most necessary things, they find at certain moments a spurt of first class courage to execute the most absurd and even most dangerous actions." [3.]

[1.]: Franz Kafka, 'The Castle' (Trans. J. Underwood), London, Penguin, 1997/1926

[2.]: Marcel Proust, 'In Search of Lost Time, Volume 2: In The Shadow Of Young Girls In Flower' (Trans. James Grieve), London, Penguin, 2002/1919

[3.]: Charles Baudelaire, 'The Bad Glazier' (Trans. Keith Waldrop), From 'Paris Spleen', Middletown, CT, Wesleyan Univ. Press, 2009/1869.

Saturday 22 October 2022

Happy Diwali (The City Celebrates)

All Images: North Leicester, October 2022

I captured these images on what some would have you believe is one of the main frontlines of the inter-faith tension that recently surfaced in Leicester. However, my stance here is largely the customary one of disinterested observer of urban life (and the multiple narratives running through it), as manifested in the physical fabric of the city. In essence these images constitute a small visual essay on one of the infrastructure of celebration (amongst other things) viewed under rather specific illumination. The Hindu festival of Diwali is nominally a 'Festival of Light', and light was definitely the main event on this particular day. 

Of course, it would be disingenuous to pretend that those aforementioned feelings of religious paranoia - and the conflict that certainly did flare-up in certain neighbourhoods, weren't real. And, I imagine, some stuff does go on behind doors and curtains that I'll just never be privy to. But, as usual, the hysterical reporting of recent events, and the sinister agendas of those (often from outside the city) who would seek to drive a wedge between communities in the name of religious and/or nationalistic bigotry, shriek loudest for our attention. Meanwhile, and for most of the time, 'The Everyday' just quietly gets on with itself, in all its mundane splendour.

Over the coming days, families will get together to eat more food than would be normally advisable. Rather more sumptuous finery than usual will be promenaded along Melton Road - and in and out of its shops and restaurants. Fireworks will be let off, and a bit of iconographically-freighted parading will occur. For most, it will just form the opportunity for a bit of benign celebration. Just as, when Eid, or Christmas, or Hanukkah, or (fill-in chosen festival here), roll around, other communities will do something similar - in whichever way makes most ritual sense to them. And the cultural texture of the city will be duly enriched.

So, Happy Diwali to those involved for all the right reasons (including numerous folks of my own  acquaintance). And to those (on any side) who'd seek to ferment inter-community strife, or to pursue some infantile religious arms race - well, you know what you can do...

Wednesday 19 October 2022

S.I.T.E. (Midlands Chapter): Location Re-Port 1.4 (M) - Supplementary


All Original Images: West Leicester, June 2022

This is a brief supplementary to our most recent report on the site in question.  Society members, associate members and interested parties in general, will appreciate the pressures, both temporal and financial, under which we currently labour. Nevertheless, it would be negligent not to at least endeavour to report the latest developments relating to the case (albeit somewhat  superficially) in the light of recent events.  With apologies for the paucity of detail and in-depth context contained within this bulletin, the salient points are itemised below:

  • The whereabouts and movements of the field agent originally assigned to this case are still unknown.  Repeated attempts to contact them at their last known address have proved fruitless, and our files contain no details of family or other associates who might be contacted regarding the matter. Sadly, the society has neither sufficient financial resources to retain a private investigator, or staff with enough time to conduct an investigation under its own aegis.

  • Since our last full report, the society has come into possession of the accompanying photographic images. These were enclosed within an A4 manilla envelope, and handed-in to our offices personally by the manager of the launderette where the previously itemised notebook was recovered. The envelope also contained a receipt from a well-known chain of while-you-wait photo-processing bureaux, where we must presume the images were printed [1.]. It appears that these photographs were subsequently inserted between the pages of the notebook, but may have been blown into the interior of the premises at the time it was dropped or discarded. 

  • The paper-based prints were gathered from various locations within the launderette's interior by the manager in question, during a routine inspection visit. Whilst most were scattered across the floor, and in various corners, two were found protruding from a narrow gap between a washing machine and its neighbouring tumble dryer. Another was recovered from with a waste bin, where it had apparently survived after adhering to the underside of the plastic flip-top assembly (presumably whilst damp).

All Image Manipulations: October 2022

  • As with the notebook itself, it is impossible to establish exactly how long the photographs remained at the launderette. Inevitably, given the humid atmosphere of location, the heavy footfall of clientele, and the presence of standing water and laundry products on the floor where the prints had rested - a degree of physical degradation had already occurred when they were recovered. The versions shown here have been digitised, following attempts to physically restore them to some degree of legibility by our forensic and archival teams.

  • Wherever possible, evidence of obvious physical damage has been removed or repaired. A minimal amount of digital retouching was also carried out where deemed appropriate. However, it should be noted that some of the visual degradation evident within these images appears to be intrinsic to the images themselves. As our missing field agent was generally regarded to be a competent photographer (and assuming the photographs are indeed their work), it would therefore seem feasible to surmise that the images underwent some form of atmospheric, electrical or (al)chemical transformation at the actual moment of their capture or during subsequent digital storage. Most perplexingly, one image clearly appears to display the effects of multiple exposure. This is an effect once common in a bygone era of film-based photography, but impossible to achieve 'in-camera' using the digital equipment routinely supplied to our field agents.  

  • No further material clues exist at this time. As ever, the society refrains from jumping to premature conclusions in such cases. Nevertheless, we must recognise that the formulation of numerous hypotheses, speculative narratives, or indeed - confected conspiracy theories, are only to be expected in circumstances such as these. Certainly (and despite our best efforts), it has proved impossible to quell certain rumours (even within our own organisation), connecting the unsafe nature of the survey site to the apparent disappearance of the field agent assigned to it. If there are those who choose to believe our agent may have actually gained access to the premises - we can only emphasise that it is impossible to either disprove or disprove that opinion at this time from the evidence recovered. 

[1.]: The receipt relates to a higher number of photographs than were returned to us. We must therefore surmise that several more were destroyed, remain missing, or are yet to be recovered.

[2.]: The vestigial remains of these are indeed evident in the (presumably subsequent) photographs taken by our senior committee member).