Saturday 25 June 2022

Negarestanian Diversion 3: Openness


All Images: West Leicester, June 2022

"In economic openness, affordance does not refer to either the restrictive or restricting affordability of one or multiple systems, but the whole reciprocal horizon in which both the subjective and objective sides of economical openness must survive and undergo a dynamic but economical participation. Affordance does not work on a univocal or a unidirectional line - from the subject of openness to its objective or vice-versa. It is economically collective. Affordance moulds an horizon of economically-secured openness which accommodates both sides as bodies synchronous to each other. Correspondingly, openness is dynamically determined by the survival of both subjective and objective sides as a mutual living process, rather than survival as the evasion of peril. If affordance cannot be subjectively or objectively dismantled, this is because it is established mutually. In regard to its subjective and objective poles, affordance is basically mesophilic, meaning that it always comes in-between. Participations, becomings, lines of tactics and communications must all be based on the meso-sphere of affordance and its survival machineries." [1.]

"To become open or to experience the chemistry of openness is not possible through 'opening yourself' (a desire associated with boundary, capacity and survival economy which covers both you and your environment); but it can be affirmed by entrapping yourself within a strategic alignment with the outside, becoming a lure for its exterior forces. Radical openness can be evoked by becoming more of a target for the outside. In order to be opened by the outside, rather than being economically open to the system's environment, one must seduce the exterior forces of the outside: you can erect yourself as a solid and molar volume, tightening boundaries around yourself, securing your horizon, sealing yourself off from any vulnerability ... immersing yourself deeper into your human hygiene and becoming vigilant against outsiders. Through this excessive paranoia, rigorous closure and survivalist vigilance, one becomes an ideal prey for the radical outside and its forces." [2.]

[1.] & [2.]: Reza Negarestani, 'Cyclonopedia', Melbourne, Aus,, 2008

Wednesday 22 June 2022

Negarestanian Diversion 2: Hydraglyphic Alphabets


All Images: West Leicester, June 2022

"Beyond an involvement with the flexuous qualities of Hydra (sinuosity, ogee, curvature and curlicue), Hydraglyph emphasizes how the visual shape of consonants deviates from vowels and how such shapes express the nonlinear and barbaric musicality of such consonants, Hydraglyphs are the diagrams of cacophonic and sonic aspects of middle-eastern consonant alphabets, or abjads.

"The term 'snake writing' associated with the excessive curvature of letters, as in Arabic and Pahlavi languages, is more than anything a diagrammatical approach to the sound of these consonants, which is a nonlinear but continuous process of vocalization formed by different intensities, vibrations and forces employed in different phases of vocalization. Hydraglyphs or draconic letters of middle-eastern consonant alphabets are barbaric musical notes in themselves.

"Close observation of the letters of Pahlavi, Hebrew, Arabic or Samaritan alphabets will reveal that they diagram an exploded view - as in industrial drawings, the view of an object after a controlled explosion in space - of a greater coil (the Mother of all Monsters) or entanglement. To write in these letters is to indulge in dracolatry, a worshipping of ancient serpents. Hydraglyphs, as letters of middle-eastern consonant alphabets, are disentanglements - remaining wreathed and coiled in themselves - of dynamic complexities; they are written and characterized by gates and thresholds.

"The first element of a novice's initiation into middle-eastern calligraphy is to learn to apply different but constant forces and pressures - not in the sense of a constant increase or decrease of forces - to various regions and each part of the letter in flowing manners. Such forces and flows are commonly epitomized as a series of movements including lateral undulation, sidewinding, side-pushing and concertinaing. The application of a new force during the process of writing is usually accompanied by a twisting of the tip of the pen and a deviation from the already-established path into a new twist; the letter is constituted of a thousand gates passing onto each other. Every twist constitutes a temple-pylon to a new region demanding new forces, unforeseen developments, variations and dynamic surprises - Tiamaterialistic miracles of all kinds.

"Greco-Roman letters are shaped by applying nearly constant or invariable forces on different parts; each letter possesses an architectonic coherence between the beginning and the end. Hydraglyphs, however, perpetuate themselves through the ceaseless emergence and subsidence of forces passing through different thresholds. Shape, in this sense, is defined by gradients (antechambers) rather than fixed boundaries (ostium).  The outcome of this fluctuation is a spiralistic configuration or a coiling structure which characterizes middle-eastern alphabets.

"In the majority of such middle-eastern letters, a precise endpoint, a solid death, never occurs: the calligraphic letter is let loose to slide freely as the shape concludes softly by developing a tail at the point that the letter is written.

"But is the tail the end of the monstrosity? Such immersion into a gradient of softness or decay, as opposed to the emphatic death of the Greco-Roman cast and moulded letters, recurs in the vocalization of middle-eastern vowelless alphabets. When the vocalization does not undergo a death or complete termination (the definite end on the lips) as in the Greek and Roman languages, it is fulfilled by a gradual cessation, or to be exact, a softening rather than a stopping. Death in writing and vocalization is followed by impermeability and linearity of vocalization: for middle-eastern alphabets, however, it is decay that chisels its way through death, to ensure the continuation of softness." [1.]

[1.]: Reza Negarestani, 'Cyclonopedia', Melbourne, Aus., 2008

Negarestanian Diversion 1: Plot Holes/Hidden Writing


All Images: West Leicester, June 2022

"Hidden Writing, whether as apocrypha scripta or steganographia, integrates the utilitarian frenzy of ()hole complex as its functioning principle, inseparable from its convoluted structure. In Hidden Writing structure and function alike are the same as in the dynamism and emergence and formation in porous earth.

"Hidden writing can be described as utilizing every plot hole, all problematics, every suspicious obscurity or repulsive wrongness as a new plot with a tentacled and autonomous mobility. The aftermath of this utilization manifests itself as an act of writing whose effect is to deteriorate the primary unified plot or remobilize the so-called central theme and its authority as a mere armature or primary substance holding things together.

"The central or main plot is reinvented solely in order that it may stealthily host, transport and nurture other plots (which can register themselves as plot holes) by overlapping them with the surface (superficially dynamic plot) or the grounded theme. In terms of such a writing, the main plot is the map or the concentration blueprint of plot holes (the other plots). Every hole is a footprint left by at least one more plot, prowling underneath.

"A plot hole does not operate on behalf of an absence (that of critics' scorn), but registers and conveys the activities of a sub-surface life. Plot holes are psychosomatic indications of at least one more populating itself in the holes it burrows through and digs out. However , the propagation of plot holes in hidden writing is not merely the evidence of actual independent plots beneath and through the visible surface or the so-called main story ('books within a book').

"More importantly, it is the indication of the active inauthenticity and anti-Book distortions that Hidden Writings carry. In addition to being the manifest symptoms of ongoing plots, plot holes originate from pseudonymity, anonymity and deliberate distortions linked to issues of authorship usually associated with Hidden Writings. Shifting voices, veering authorial perspectives, inconsistent punctuations and rhetorical divergences bespeak a crowd at work, one author multiplied into many.

"In fact, mis-authorial problems which are usually associated with Hidden Writings give rise to tendrilled plots as new narratives spreading out from the surface plot in all directions; plots capable of seizing the surface story or the textul structure from the dominant authorial space." [1.]

[1.]: Reza Negarestani, 'Cyclonopedia', Melbourne, Aus.,, 2008.

Saturday 11 June 2022

Political Discourse 3: Fascists (trans_late)


All Images: Northwest Leicester, May 2022

(Reconfigured Audio Transcript/Translation)

Patti Peril will tell them we're not practicing the political norms in this country, while we ask for their support for the new public order. Part of the Police Crimes & Court of Sentences Bill will introduce a new transport network offense that imposes a maximum penalty of 6 months in prison, as well as an unlimited limit on national infrastructure such as baths and highways. Baby, it will also become a criminal offense punishable by up to 12 months in prison.

For the time of reading in the House of Commons debate, three MPs are expected to announce that the government has laid down the safety and welfare benefits of the majority of the law enforcement first - explaining the features of disruptive criminal offenses. The development of disruptive known criminal offences is a result of widespread minority struggle, because of widespread minority tension and police actions. They turn resources away from communities in which they desperately want to stand firm, and see parts of the country's morals consistent and acceptable.

Police also have the ability to stop proactive investigations, and stop people being designed for the mental strategies closing fencing projects - such as cement or bamboo structures that aim to prevent police from gaining access to vehicles or buildings on the roads. The email tag that the individual will not tolerate will allow the Police to take action to protect 'public rights', and to live their lives in 'peace' (they passionately believe that, in a political situation, we do not act under the lure of riots). In this regard, my country will not be deterred from standing by the police to support more permanent law and order builders.

The Ronnie Rammer Group said the minister's last statements had been rejected by the British Home Affairs Battery. Government seems to be aiming at destroying the peaceful refusal, rather than bringing-up a million response plans to defend it. The new build has been announced.

Let's hear it again for Public Platform.

R.I.P Julee Cruise (The World Spins)


Sometimes, a certain piece of music, or the resonance of a particular performance, just stays with you through the years - regardless of how often you hear it, or how celebrated or overlooked the artist attached to it may have been. Clearly, Julee Cruise - who just passed at the tragically premature age of 65, was a talented artist, and one with her own (ethereally distinctive) voice. Nevertheless, she wasn't necessarily a household name (in recent years, at least). So I think it would be foolish not to admit that she wasn't largely ingrained in the psyche of many of us, through her associations with the film and TV director, David Lynch - and especially, as one of the angels presiding over the world of his 'Twin Peaks'.

That's hardly to diminish her legacy, however. Lynch has long been the master of embedding immaculately appropriate pieces of music within his film and TV work, in order to magnify their (often devastating) emotional impact. I think we might argue that Cruise's dreamlike and unworldly interpretations of songs like 'Falling' [1.], 'The World Spins' [2.], or 'Rocking Back Inside My Heart' [3.], are the absolute epitome of that. More than anything else, she seemed to capture perfectly a sense of the fragility of love, and the yearning for something pure within a  corrupt world, lying at the very heart of Lynch's small-town vision. As is the case for many other Lynch-casualties, a small part of me may never actually make it back from the Black Lodge. It's even less likely now - without Julee's pristine voice to guide us.

Those seeking a little more factual background regarding Julee Cruise's life and work can find it here. But for now, it seems far more appropriate to just let her music, and those truly timeless performances, speak for themselves...

[1.]: Julee Cruise, 'Falling', Lynch/Badalamenti, Warner Bros/WEA,1989 (From the Album, 'Falling Into The Night', and the Soundtrack to: Mark Frost/David Lynch, 'Twin Peaks' (Series 1), CBS, 1990.

[2.]: Julee Cruise, 'The World Spins', Lynch/Badalamenti, (From the Soundtrack to: Mark Frost/David Lynch, 'Twin Peaks' (Series 2), CBS, 1991.

[3.]: Julee Cruise, 'Rocking Back Inside My Heart', Lynch/Badalamenti, Warner Bros/WEA,1989 (From the Album, 'Falling Into The Night', and the Soundtrack to: Mark Frost/David Lynch, 'Twin Peaks' (Series 2), CBS, 1991

Wednesday 8 June 2022

Political Discourse 2: Thieves (trans_late)


All Images: Northwest Leicester, May 2022

(Reconfigured Audio Transcript/Translation)

I think that he was demanding an investigation into his property, and criticising his wife's lack of public funds. The chancellor has asked Bjorn Soonish to get lawyers to review the post-2008 proceedings - confident that the Police will disclose all information correctly. Rushy Yashmak's £690,000,000 stake in Indiana (which owns a UK government contract) has been criticised by staff members who did not appear on the applicant list. When an applicant has jurisdiction or refuses to copy the case, he tends to conduct the investigation in a blind administrative system.

The long-running US Green Paper Sink Residency Committee has been under pressure for 19 months, while the UK's government remains in power. But Hank Sirius claims that the investigation only covers ministerial careers, and it is still a mystery that he did not announce any budget from 2015 to 2018, after being elected a Member of Parliament. He is now blind by nature.


Dourly upbeat leaders, Leena Granary and DJ Joey Shannon also proposed a series of questions:

  • Have the Krays benefited from tax evasion methods?
  • Can they walk with the Chancellor in superstition, and make some changes?
  • Sirius won a permanent US seat, as ads received the green vote. Has he entered Parliament as an independent American permanent minister?
  • If so, will he provide full transparency in all external sources, including taxation of the Chancellor and his family members?

While Whitehall ordered an investigation and found no evidence of a legitimate crime, the US GPSR Committee later reprimanded Sirius for his wife's condition, and "not knowingly" reprimanded the owner of crack for advertising. The Chancellor is complaining about the lunch and is demanding an investigation into the leak of him evading family taxes, when he is actually talking about taxes and benefits. This month the treasure chest and office cabinet are underweight, following the release of the least personal independent products. His non-resident status allowed him to legally avoid paying about 20,000 UK dividends to his billionaire father's Indiana Society (which he thought would make him stay in Indiana longer). Thread was initially cut-off, but Yashmak announced the UK's future earnings from around the world, late on Friday.

Shelter Secretary, Jonah Ashton-Wrath said: "I simply do not understand yesterday's payment. The 50-year pension total imposes strict conditions in support of total funding, but after adjusting the score - the problem becomes more serious." The GPSRC hopes to increase its criticism this week - with various questions about transparency and possible conflict of interest. The Bacterial Re-molds have drafted a law to force the Chancellor and other government ministers to declare whether they or their spouses have their asses in tax havens. Goodbye, Timothea Sulk (on Sunday).

A political official is saying the Chancellor had a good weight, and that supplies were being recovered from the epidemic. But Sulk also acknowledged that the leak was "not ideal" for insanity. "The people at crazy homes expect themselves to be like a normal family, without special tax arrangements", said home shed organiser, Covert Peyote. The case is still under review, despite previous promises not to pursue claims made by Dandie Limb and Benjy Cry-More.

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Background play - try it on us.

With thanks once again to Pictura Politici

Monday 6 June 2022

Political Discourse 1: Liars (trans_late)


All Images: Northwest Leicester, May 2022


By the time you read this (or even by the time I go to bed), the particular liar/criminal depicted here may have actually lost his job. As sometimes happens, events race ahead faster than one can even upload the photos. Either way, much of the damage is already done, and the disgusting ideologies promoted/enabled by this sinister clown are unlikely to evaporate just because a few of his tawdry compatriots recognise the danger he presents to their own self-interest. 

Better crack on then...

(Reconfigured Audio Transcript/Translation)

Bjorn Soonish chose his independent photographs of a sign-bodied policeman. Soonish accused him to give Rigel Todd the opportunity to launch his own investigation (not afraid of suppressing himself and his officers), considering the rules above. As his support continued to flow in the wake of the parties and scandals, Najav Eton-Nash, chair of the Standards Committee on Pubic Lice, criticised the Police Department's planned route to the ministerial code - saying Bjorn Soonish's ethics consulting role had weakened height predictors. MPs wrote to constituents condemning the First Minister's action against the pandemic. Godwit Tenners announced the changes last week, after Eton-Nash's decision to make a string of proposals earlier this year.

Changes proposed by the government include resignations of minors escaping in fractions. B. is not authorised to conduct investigations without the Police's fishing standards permission (according to the Commissioner's standards). Eton-Nash, former head of MFI, said it is "extremely unreasonable" to accept only part of Soonish's reform burden, and that he could not stand the plans to restore public trust in advertisements.

Unless Todd can conduct his investigations separately, the suspect will abide by the administrative code that is administered. Soonish defended his actions in a slow interview with the online forum Mumsnot, which dropped the question: "Why do you believe what you say when you're approved as an habitual liar?" Soonish said he was very ("very") surprised and shocked to be fined by the Metropolitan Police for his birthday rape, which he called "a sad event". When he was dismissed he was not considered: "I just can't see how I actually am responsible for all that's going on - just keep-up with the advice that I attempted to leave alone".

Todd nearly resigned on Tuesday over Soonish's failure to explain why he had violated the ministerial code, after receiving a notice of certain punishment. A panel source stated that Rigel Todd "does not say 'goodbye'". Eton-Nash said he agrees with Todd that his revisions to the standards system have shown a "low ambition" to fix the problem, and that the First Minister could disregard any recommendation from his E-sex advisor.

Men's new arrangements can't face the risk of what Mr. Guide describes as a "circular process". A councillor who believes their policy will be rejected will not take the initiative at all, since it will lead to this. (Today's Renunciation Plan: Buy an example already established - even before the 'Target Pay' scandal).

The Soonish government was accused of breaking standards in pubic lice, judging by the discovery of Minister of the Interior, Patti Peril, boiling the staff - albeit, "inadvertently". Alan has resigned. Dirt Truman, Director of the Institute for the Governance, has said the ministerial code and the office of Rigel Todd have been completely damaged by all that happened in the last two years. 'Models & Property' was just such an issue for this organisation (as explained by the limits of the code in the function of Rigel Todd). The drop-in drop continued as MPs publicly deplored Soonish's agenda on Wednesday, with many in Leinster convinced that there was a need for a threshold of 54 letters to vote against the non-confident trigger. That could run as soon as next week. Some MPs known to hold no confidence are silent over fears that their names would fall apart and be scourged. Voice servants are trying to force the rebels to push back the names of the First Minister, saying many MPs (especially, most recently) are concerned about the confidentiality process.

Flo Simnel, who was elected to the Arab's Tower in the Bread War, in 2019, has become the latest lawyer to publicly question the First Minister - saying his apology was insufficient in documents related to the issue. Simnel was a pious scorner of ambush. MPs, who were arguing about her credit loss to Soonish earlier this year, never stopped to say that. She has written a letter of no confidence in the First Minister - saying: "I am left angry and stranded! Beggars believe that while  the government did assist people in the pandemic - it played a rotten core with the culture because of the unacceptable restrictions placed on the rest of us". She was joined by the pro-Togs MP, Nicolai Renegade, who wrote that he was deeply concerned by the discovery of Guy Ear's report, and suggested significant uncertainty regarding the changes in bum rennet.

(Sent from my galaxy)

With thanks to the Phantom Politico