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Item #2021.Y003, West Leicester, January 2021 |
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Item #2021.Y003, West Leicester, January 2021 |
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Item: #2021.Y001, Central Leicester, January 2021 |
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Item: #2021.Y002, Central Leicester, January 2021 |
[1.]: In the case of Item: #2021.Y002, the cyan features are technically applied to the neighbouring premises (see also below). However, as these documentary images reveal, the overall visual relationship vastly outweighs any such technical considerations.
[2.]: A coincidental conversation - conducted whilst documenting these items, suggests shared ownership of both enterprises comprised within Item: #2021.Y002. Whether or not this relationship extends to Item #2021.Y001, remains unconfirmed.
[3.]: The relationship between chance and intention (within the urban context, and beyond), is a subject whose parameters extend beyond the scope of this post.
[4.]: Likewise: the relationship between the physically manifested and mechanically-reproduced aspects of the visual city.
[5.]: How often are the dual (contradictory) expressive functions of yellow witnessed within the urban environment?
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'Untitled 10 (Constructed City)', Acrylics & French Polish on Panel, 300 mm x 300 mm, 2020 |
Here's the second of the small study-paintings, referred to in my previous post. As I mentioned there, the numbering of these most recent 'Constructed City' paintings is a little out of kilter. However, it's enough to know that 'Untitled 8, 9 & 10' were all produced pretty much concurrently - with '9' and '10' being initially envisaged as experimental studies - before becoming fully realised little paintings (and ultimately - Christmas presents), in their own right.
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'Untitled 9 (Constructed City)', Acrylics & Coloured Pencil on Panel, 300 mm x 300 mm, 2020 |
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'Untitled 8 (Constructed City)', Acrylics on Panel, 600 mm x 600 mm, 2020 |
'Untitled 8' is the next in my current run of 'Constructed City' paintings, having just sneaked in, under the wire as the last piece to be completed in 2020. It's pleasing to what degree my productivity accelerated towards the end of what was, in so many other aspects of life, such a frustrating year.
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All Images: West Leicester, November 2020 |
Our records show reveal that the premises in question have been under consistent observation for at least two decades. Initial identification of the site as being one of particular interest, actually appears to date from the previous century. Whilst no specific date can be attributed to the first discussions on the matter, anecdotal accounts point to some time in the mid 1990s. It also appears likely that the earliest formal observations were initiated from within the premises immediately opposite - which has functioned as a bar and restaurant since that period. As is well understood, the partially engaged - but neutrally contemplative frame of mind, typically entered into whilst gazing through a street-facing window (possibly in company, and whilst enjoying some form of refreshment), is that in which our most fruitful observations are often performed.
For the purposes of this report, we have chosen to assume a date of 15 June 1995, as the nominal starting point for this particular site falling within our remit. If, as is certainly possible, some awareness of the location predates that point in time, it is worth noting that a degree of unreliable recall often plays a constructive part in our work, generally. In any case, it is really only the actual moment of a building or other site 'revealing itself', with sufficient subjectivity for consistent observations to commence, that really matters. As we know, this may occur without prior warning, even where pre-existing familiarity exists. Whilst these moments lie at the core of our practice, it is also the case that they are not always formally recorded at the time, due to the distracting nature of spontaneous recognition. The attachment of some arbitrary date retrospectively, thus becomes a necessity, in a surprising number of cases [1.].
Unusually, for a site under such long-term scrutiny, the images accompanying this report appear to be the only ones available, and have been collected relatively recently. As they show - the location is subject to the kind of exclusion zone to which we have all become accustomed in the current climate. Exactly why no earlier photographs were taken, is uncertain, and one might rue the lack of accompanying metadata which might have facilitated more accurate dating. However, it is important to note that, as the use of digital photography was not part of our process in the era of our envisaged start-date, we would remain dependent upon the accompaniment of an accurate manual record - even were contemporaneous images available. As it is, we must be satisfied with what little visual evidence we have in this case, and in the absence of more - be prepared to take at face value the reported impressions and accounts from memory that are available. As noted above, the inherent subjectivity such accounts may engender, may actually prove to be of more use in many respects.
What is notable, is that the premises appear to have remained relatively unchanged, to all intents and purposes, throughout the entire span of our observations. One can only ruminate upon the general processes of entropy which may have exerted themselves over the fabric of the building during this extended period. A degree of wear and tear is inevitable - if only from the effects of weather and materials break-down alone, regardless of any direct human intervention which may, or may not have occurred. In this case, however, no such human activity has ever been observed, making inertia and stasis the key characteristics of this particular location.
Furthermore - as can be seen, the building itself reveals very few clues to either its original or current function. Whilst the frontage is typical of commercial or retail premises, with large display windows to either side of the entrance door, it offers no information regarding any specific business, or other activity, which may have been carried out within. Identifying and/or metaphorical signage are both notable by their complete absence, and the dilapidated paintwork is of a nondescript brown colour which almost seems designed to disavow any cultural association with a specific trade or generic enterprise. The profoundly anonymous aspect has remained intact over the entire period of our involvement with the location.
It is true that, in the past, certain speculations have arisen - based on claims of a palpably 'funereal' aura emanating from the site. This impression is perhaps magnified by a degree of discretion suggested by the matching curtains (partially water-damaged) veiling each window. However, it is our current opinion that the 'shop' frontage possesses neither the scale, implied dignity or vestigial grandeur one would normally associate with a typical locus of the undertaking trade. If the presence of a prominent extractor-fan unit in the glazed panel over the door might suggest some association with food retail (or possibly catering) - no other clues are offered that might reinforce such a connection. The glazed tiles one might occasionally observe on the frontage of such food-related outlets are notably absent here - with only featureless (faux?) granite panels occupying the spaces between windows and pavement. Again, no specific attribution can be made from the evidence available.
As can be seen, the only remaining details worthy of note at this stage, are the prominent alarm unit (with associated window alerts), and a few miscellaneous items - dimly visible beyond the (un-curtained) upper window panes. The alarm system (clearly post-dating the construction of the premises), affirm that this site, or at least something held within, remain of value to some individual or organisation. Such an observation might even lead to speculations about someone or something 'hiding in plain site', if viewed in a sufficiently oblique light. Unsurprisingly, the aforementioned visible objects offer little by way of obvious connections or any coherent narrative. What might initially resemble some form of modestly decorative frame, appears, on closer scrutiny, to possess a somewhat more functional quality - not least once the gridded nature of its central aperture is recognised. If it is - as appears possible, a component of some larger assembly, our attempts to identify the exact nature of this remain unsuccessful, to date. What does seem likely is that the object may be designed to permit the communication of air, heat, sound, or some other equally ethereal manifestation [2.].
Also visible in the right hand upper window, is a portion of some equally unidentifiable wooden item. Reminiscent of some piece of dated furniture (or part of), this object betrays a mildly decorative aspect - in the form of its arched moulding and pattern of parallel, slots. It also betrays considerable dilapidation. First impressions have suggested this item might in fact be some item of furniture; a folding chair of some outmoded design, in particular. More detailed study raises some doubts in respect of this - relating not least, to the modest scale of the object in question. Such a chair (were it to be such) would be suitable only for a child, one imagines. Certain questions have arisen regarding how these items might be supported. The most likely explanation might be that they are positioned on some form of display shelving - the phantom shapes of which do appear visible behind the main window curtains. This automatically feeds back into our speculations around what manner of merchandise might once have been arrayed upon them.
However, such practical considerations have done little to stifle the line of free-associative thought which stemmed from the initial notion of the wooden object as part of a chair [3.]. in certain quarters this has even led to speculation around the premises having been - at some stage, the venue for some kind of assembly, perhaps of an occasional nature. Despite any more coherent evidence for this (or perhaps because of it), conjecture has even arisen that such meetings might have been of some esoteric, or even occult, nature. If such fevered imaginings are attributable simply to the palpable lack of any contradictory clues at the site, it should be remembered that this is exactly what brought it to our attention in the first place. Consequently, we choose to keep an open mind regarding such matters, at least for the purposes of this report.
Finally, specific mention should also be made of the remaining group of items visible through the upper windows to the left-hand-side of the frontage. Although most clearly discernible in visual terms, these are also the hardest to identify. Seemingly comprising four stacks of strangely interlocking, scalloped elements of ring-like formation - they resemble nothing that has previously been observed at any other site. That the objects appear to be constructed of card (or perhaps some plastic material), suggests the possibility of their being some form of reinforced, self-assembly packaging material. Exactly for what, however - remains a mystery [4.]. One alternative suggestion (rom the same source as the 'esoteric assembly' theory, alluded to above), is that these almost 'crown-like' items might constitute a variety of ritual headgear associated with such a congregation.
Whatever the real conditions or circumstances relating to this site may be, there can be little doubt it represents one of the most intriguing in our current catalogue. it is our recommendation that the premises remain under observation - without time-limit, and that any significant findings or theories relating to it, be included in future reports. What does seem undeniable, is its status as a distinct lacuna within the commercial, recreational, or psychic activity of the surrounding street. as such, it clearly has the potential to represent some portal or egress - of exactly the kind to which our organisation has chosen to identify and exploit.
[1.]: Current thinking on the subject suggests that, in many cases, this may actually be a strength - rather than mere evidence of sloppy record-keeping. Certainly - as is generally now recognised, an acceptance of the flexible and relative (as opposed to reductively linear) nature of time is key to our activities. In this context, the recording of specific dates, whilst nominally instructive, may also be regarded as something akin to dropping sticks into a flowing stream, (or perhaps - marbles onto a blanket).
[2.]: Such oblique speculations are, it goes without stating, to be encouraged wherever deemed appropriate. We welcome any future attempts to join such dots as may emerge from continued scrutiny of this site. Any such theories - deemed to lie within the stated parameters of our wider project, will be appended to future drafts of this report.
[3.]: It seems pertinent to remind ourselves here, that (often mistaken) first impressions (and the often highly fictional narratives they may provoke), are as important an aspect of our work (if not more so), as more considered research - carried out in a less subjective frame of mind. Clearly, we should remain vigilant to the danger of our activities from degraded by mere 'facts', whenever possible.
[4.]: Suggestions (however fanciful), are obviously invited.