Tuesday 23 November 2021

Deleuzeian Diversion 2


Both Images: West Leicester, November 2021

"Discover the territorial assemblages of someone, human or animal: 'home.'  The territory is made of decoded fragments of all kinds, which are borrowed from the milieus but then assume the value of 'properties': even rhythms take on a new meaning (refrains).  The territory makes the assemblage.  The territory is more than the organism and the milieu, and the relation between the two; that is why the assemblage goes beyond mere 'behavior' (hence the importance of the relative distinction between territorial animals and milieu animals." [1.]

[1.]:  Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guattari, 'A Thousand Plateaus', London/NYC/Dublin, Bloomsbury Academic, 2013 (First Pub. 1988).

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