Sunday, 23 November 2014

Entropy Releases Beauty

After heavy rain, time and gravity intervened and several poster layers fell away, revealing these...

All Images: West Leicester, November 2014

And, of course, I could spend hundreds of hours trying to deliberately create something even half as beautiful.


  1. New here - and enjoying your blog.
    These are absolutely beautiful! I love the accidental nature of this kind of thing, it always catches my attention - as you say, you could spend hours trying - but this just appears organically, so uncontrived.

  2. Thanks, I'm glad you like them. I realise I'm hardly the first to latch on to this kind of thing but I never tire of them. These are very near my home and are actually some of the be nicest I've seen for a while. Often, I drag the fallen sections home to collage into my artwork but this time round everything was a bit too wet and muddy so I just concentrated on recording what was left.

    You're right about their organic quality. In fact that 'Organics' label on the ghost shampoo bottle feels almost too appropriate to be true.

  3. These are really beautiful.

    You did the editing and framing on these and without your input I'd have never seen them. IF you don't so anything else with them I'd still be grateful to you. That first one with the red and yellow is particularly appealing to me.

    1. Thanks. I guess some things just seem like gifts from the world, and it's enough to simply put a little frame round them and share.

      As I took these, numerous passing motorists stared at me in bafflement or thinly disguised contempt, and there was at least one predictable cat-call. Yet all this visual pleasure is right there waiting for them, and for free. Where does the madness really lie, I wonder?
