Thursday 29 November 2018

Completed Painting: 'Untitled (From The New School) 8'

'Untitled (From The New School) 8', Acrylic On Panel, 30 cm X 30 cm X 10.6 cm, 2018

Here's the second of my recently completed 'From The New School' paintings.  It's fair to say that Number Eight is rather less emotionally charged than it's immediate predecessor in the series - being very consciously a style exercise, above all else.  Reference to my previous post will reveal that the distinctly graphic aesthetic of this one - with its tight, geometry, austere palette, and tendency towards synthetic abstraction, is lifted directly from one of the panels I recently completed for my school workplace.  In that respect, it still refers mostly to my own specific experience of school life, rather than being a more generalised or theoretical meditation on Education per se.

It is also the case, of course, that this piece's stylistic mode also originates with a specific school student's work.  That further bolsters the idea that this series of 'FTNS' paintings as a deliberate deliberate engagement with ideas about appropriation (or even plagiarism), as much as with the ideological or theoretical underpinnings of Education.  But then, plagiarism is also a very live issue in contemporary education - be it a function of our digitally supercharged, post - Benjamin culture, or just a timeless teenage reluctance to always put in the requisite effort expected by their teachers.  Perhaps that's a bit cynical - as my previous post demonstrates that the latter is most definitely not always the case.  More to the point - am I in real danger of disappearing up my own self-referential fundament, in my habitual attempts to make all these connections and call-backs (or even, to ask this very question)?

Alternatively (and less pretentiously), could it be that this particular panel mostly represents a bit more art therapy for me?  It is, after all - an undeniably enjoyable exercise in painting-by-numbers  and discovering just how crisply I could paint all those masked edges.  Maybe that's enough for now.   

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