Monday 22 April 2019

A Guide To Music Micro-Genres 2: Gazewave

Gazewave (UK/US) / Digi-Gaze (Aus) / Nu Gaze (EU):

What i really like about this genre is the idea- this tv/video sound that's stuck in the past// It's all nostalgia fuel but it's funny to me that both the kids and get-off-my-lawns are seeing eye to eye on this one/ particularly its notion of the fixity of the relationship between the signifier and the signified// I find this music a lot more emotionally charged and interesting when done right// It serves either to break any (awkward) silence and mask irritating background noises or to increase working productivity// Within this seamlessly endless repetition, the mind is being taken on a transcendental journey// A beacon of familiarity (and some might say cheesiness) emerges// Even the more gimmicky copycat stuff can be cool.

There are interpretations through which we understand the world and give it meaning. Interpreting is something we can not go without// Does anyone remember when I went insane and came up with a concept called 'the octopus lounge'// I figured out that if you applied just the right amount of pressure to the pause button of the recording deck, it slowed the motor down/ which seemed to promise everything and yet not quite to deliver// Now, fascination (in contrast to seduction, which was attached to appearances, and to dialectical reason, which was attached to meaning) is a nihilistic passion par excellence, it is the passion proper to the mode of disappearance// It is just odd seeing accolades thrown at people for things they aren't even doing// Structures are the "real things" that lie beneath the/ appearance of meaning// It's like the whole thing is based on suspension of disbelief.

(i'm not going to become a defender of this "genre" fyi, so if you have an axe to grind i'll kindly step out of the way)// It is necessary to utilize a variety of perspectives to create a multi-faceted interpretation of a text, even if these interpretations conflict with one another// There's no fucking way this will become anything but a bunch of/ sarcastic anti-capitalists/ who don't actually remember the 80s or 90s taking a piss// Language enchantment is focussed on as their last hope/key to possibly unlocking the traps/ and slippages of modern techno-culture// I can't believe they make money from/ a genre based around albums that never actually get released, but the creators release 10 second samples every 5 years or so & millions of fans maintain that this one'll be a game changer/ shivering with delight upon each new wave of delicious sound// The thing that bothers me about this is the trust fund kiddies making this really easy, minimally composed/altered stuff have so much free time they could actually learn how to be musicians first// The dissolution of civilisation wrought by capitalism should not and cannot be resisted, but rather must be pushed faster and farther towards the insanity and anarchically fluid violence that is its ultimate conclusion// SLAKE MY BLOODLUST, I HUNGER

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