Sunday 28 April 2019

A Guide To Music Micro-Genres 4: Haunted Halftone

Haunted Halftone:

I feel very bad about this and it has led me to a crisis about my taste in music and ability to discern good from bad// The music is produced with the aid of various music technologies, such as digital recorders, digital signal processing tools and/ a vigorous circular motion hitherto unknown to the people of/ France, Spain et al// Using such technology various sound materials can be combined, juxtaposed, and transformed in any conceivable manner// It has an indescribable feel/ like being on the subway at night in the junkiest stations// The concealment of the causes does not result from a technical imperfection, nor is it an occasional process of variation// It has been argued that measuring and comparing happiness among different people is impossible, not only in practice, but even in principle// It becomes a precondition, a deliberate placing-in-condition of the subject// Vape done fry tie-died my hide.

My secondary school had a building opened by Kriss Akabusi and my parents had a photo of him and my brother on their mantlepiece for years// In this context the compositional method can be seen as a process of sound organization// It focuses on the question of human existence, and the feeling that there is no purpose or explanation at the core of existence// Other aspects traditionally thought of as 'musical' such as melody, harmony, rhythm, metre may be present but more often consideration is given to/ public information films, scary kids' TV show, bleak adult dramas/ programmed beats, psy guitars, slappy bass/ a proper mountain gorgonzola// What's there not to like???

Again, apologies for my ignorance// The headphone cable popped out of my computer at work...

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