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All Photo-Manipulations: May 2023 |
[Reconfigured Appropriated Texts]:
Our vision is for bus services people can depend on, are quick and reliable, combine to form a simple to understand and easy to use network, are accessible for everyone, are safe and comfortable - and I know a transport plan should be about rather more than just personal aesthetics. Last time I looked at it there were rust holes in the structure that you could put your arm through! (arm sizes can go up and down, also it was a while back so it may have been sorted by now). The objective within each of these corridors is not simply to improve public transport journey times, service frequency and reliability - but things change. Whatever the past use, that bridge is now a magical little spot, especially at dusk. Our proposals will deliver immediate and longer-term benefits to residents and visitors by making it easier to travel in and around the region. Come and collect leaflets to give to your friends and family.
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All Original Images: South Bristol, February & April 2023 |
You should refrain from assuming that I don’t know what I’m talking about, just because I disagree with you.The corridors were selected and prioritised according to: existing highway congestion, connecting households with employment and education, current and future patronage, supporting areas of deprivation, and deliverability. I suspect the H&SE may ask for more than that and a coat of paint when you’ve got holes in the structures. We have a unique opportunity to further enhance our productive economy, ensuring everyone across society reaps the benefits and does so sustainably. You see a new doughnut place, you get off the road, go back to said doughnut place, eat a doughnut, get back on your way, no worries. I see transport as being integral to capitalising on that opportunity. Make a little time for improvements to the operational efficiency of ticketing on Wednesday. A photo with masses of objectors will speak more loudly than interchanges between journey nodes and modes.
There is a large risk that a photo with masses of objectors constrains this opportunity to grow and limits our ability to level up across society whilst delivering an environmentally sustainable transport network. Surely if you see a group of people trying to prevent your commute route being turned into a poorly designed bus carbuncle, you at least take an interest. We need to act now to rectify an under-performing network and mitigate this risk. I really do hate being in photos and would prefer to hide behind people, which is difficult when only three people and a stray dog turn up. We need to ensure that our public transport provision is reliable, with improved connectivity and an excellent passenger experience. it always brings to mind film gem ‘The Station Agent’, or perhaps a strangely-rural corner of Brooklyn. Delivering high quality bus services is a crucial part of achieving that vision.
Maximising this opportunity has UK wide benefits such as the development of UK-wide supply chains in innovative sectors and providing the goods and services required to further promote domestic advanced manufacturing, financial services and legal technology, and the creative industries. I like its pleasantly shabby ambience - and the public realm surrounding network access points. it would be a damn shame if it was to be an expensive, poor-value & somewhat unnecessary scheme for people to switch to active modes. I’ve lived here for a decade and have never known a city that actually gets so little done in terms of developing infrastructure. City corridors are where a high level of separation is possible and desired. Interestingly, nobody seemed to stop mid-commute - lots of cyclists just glared at us or dinged their way through the potential for people’s behaviour to change in response to investment. Basically, they just want to slap down some infrastructure.
FFS! I was getting more relaxed in my old age, but this kind of nonsense might just turn me back… [1.]
[1.]: Includes reconfigured excerpts from: